M, W, Th: 9-4:30
Tuesday: 9-7:30
Friday: 9-12:30



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Affordable Housing Information

Lambertville has a long, rich history in assisting its low-income population and rehabilitating sub-standard homes. In 1965, Lady Bird Johnson came to Lambertville to inaugurate the War on Poverty that her husband, President Lyndon Johnson, had just initiated. Lambertville’s participation in the new public assistance program set the precedent for this small community. Lambertville’s first two affordable age-restricted apartment complexes, Hibernia Apartments and South Hunterdon Apartments, were developed pre-1980 using funding from the Farmers Home Administration. Since that time, Lambertville has demonstrated a long-standing commitment to compliance with its constitutionally required obligation to provide its fair share of the state’s need for affordable housing. 

If you would like more information about any of the affordable housing in Lambertville, please contact the City’s Municipal Housing Liaison, Bambi Kuhl, by email or by phone at 609-397-0110, ext 13.


The New Jersey Housing Resource Center provides a listing of affordable housing opportunities in New Jersey, including Lambertville.  To find available units in the City of Lambertville, search the word “Lambertville” once you have selected your desired type of housing.

You may also contact each development directly using our Affordable Housing Directory, and ask them for information on how to put your name on the waiting list to be notified when a unit becomes available in the future. 

You can check whether your household’s income makes you eligible for affordable housing in Lambertville by reviewing the Income Limits information below.


Affordable housing is defined under New Jersey’s Fair Housing Act as a dwelling, either for sale or rent, that is within the financial means of households of low- or moderate-income, as measured within each housing region.  The City of Lambertville is in COAH’s Region 3, which includes Hunterdon, Middlesex and Somerset counties.

Affordable housing income categories are as follows:

  • Moderate Income: 50% to 80% regional median income
  • Low Income: 50% regional median income or less
  • Very Low Income: 30% regional median income or less

State regulations also require:

  • For rental units
    • The maximum rent for a qualified unit must be affordable to households with incomes of 60% or less than the median income for the region.
    • The average rent must be affordable to households with incomes no greater than 52% of the median income.
  • For for-sale units
    • The maximum sale prices for affordable units must be affordable to households with incomes 70% or less than the median income.
    • The average sale price must be affordable to a household with an income of 55% or less than the median income.

The Affordable Housing Professionals of New Jersey have developed updated income limits for all housing regions in New Jersey, and updates them every year. The income limits for Region 3 will be utilized for Lambertville. 


The City of Lambertville has issued its 2022 annual affordable housing Very Low-Income Monitoring Report as required by the City’s Settlement Agreement with Fair Share Housing Center. The report is viewable online by clicking here.
Members of the public may arrange to inspect/obtain a paper copy of the Very Low-Income Monitoring Report by calling the City Clerk's office at 609-397-0110 x12, or by emailing [email protected]. Any interested party may submit comments to the City, with a copy to Fair Share Housing Center, regarding whether the City is complying with its very low-income housing requirement.

Any comments must be received within 30 days of the 2/27/2023 posting date.



Lambertville currently operates a rehabilitation program, administered by Triad, Inc., for low- and moderate-income households for both owner-occupied and rental housing where the landlord lives on premises. The City received a 2014 Small Cities Housing Rehabilitation Grant under the New Jersey Community Development Block Grant Program in the amount of $250,000 to rehabilitate up to 10 single-family, low-income owner-occupied homes.

A dwelling needing rehabilitation is defined as “… a housing unit with health and safety code violations that require the repair or replacement of a major system.” Major systems include weatherization, exterior cladding, window and door replacement, roofing, plumbing (water supply and sanitary), heating, electricity, lead paint abatement and load-bearing structural systems.

If you believe that you meet the income limits and your house is need of rehabilitation, please contact the City Clerk's office at 609-397-0110.